Along with globalization in business and education’s world, the existence of fast information exchange between countries all around the world is getting more demanded. But the fact is, the languages that used by those countries as information and communication’s media are in many variants. Therefore, a mediator that able to connect it becomes urgently required.
All this time, English become main language that used as international information and communication’s media in variety fields, including business, education’s world, etc. On the other hand, Japanese had also becoming as important as English, along with Japanese business world’s development and the educational diversification of the language it self all over the countries, including Indonesia.
Therefore, we, the people whom associated in HTC (Hasanah Translation Company) determine to become a mediator that can bridge the communication between Indonesian, Japanese and English parties.
Marketing Targets
Personal, multilingual institutions or companies.
Giving a fast, precise, and responsible translation’s services to the customers in Indonesian, Japanese, and English by request.
Becoming a trusted and reliable partner in dealing costumers difficulties caused by language gap.